2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17

Christian Bible school


  I hope you and yours are doing well.  WOW!  Our Christian Bible school is so blessed by the opportunity to equip pastors and Christian leaders serving in difficult and dangerous places. It is truly amazing to hear what God is doing and how He is at work through our faithful brothers and sisters around the globe.
    This month our Christian Bible  shares a little about their remarkable ministries so that you understand how important it is that we help them be “fully equipped for every good work!”  On a personal note, I am teaching the current class, “Spiritual Leadership”, and I can’t even describe what a joy it is to be ministering to these wonderful leaders.
     We hope you enjoy these brief ministry snapshots and will help us expand our scholarship program so that we can equip thousands of other faithful Christian leaders who otherwise would not have access to high-quality Christian leadership education.

Serving together,

Vickie Isaac, M.Ed., President
The Fully Equipped Bible Institute

christian bible schools

Alex was orphaned at nine. Today, Alex has turned his parents’ home into an orphanage. He is currently caring for 32 children with no external support, except when his church is able to donate. There is no electricity or running water. They have been sleeping in the trees at night because the home was so damaged that they couldn’t sleep inside. Alex is exhausted at the end of each day, but still committed to the Christian education and leadership training he is receiving. He attends our Christian Bible school on his cell phone as he does not have a computer. Alex believes in God’s provision, and that someday, on his parents’ property, there will be a children’s school and a sustainable farm to feed the children and provide income. Alex also believes it will become a center for spreading God’s word in central Uganda.

christian bible schools

Pastors Samuel and Anthonia Kinu decided that they should serve where the need is the greatest, not where the biggest churches and programs are. As gifted musicians, they left behind the opportunity to be involved in large music ministries. They intentionally chose to serve in the rural areas of Nigeria. From church planting and pastoring to missionary outreach into remote villages, ministering in orphanages, and to widows, Pastors Samuel and Anthonia are ministering where the need is great.

Pastors Sam and Anthonia are both are serious students of God’s Word, deeply committed to preaching and teaching it faithfully. They are eager to continue learning and growing through their education at the Fully Equipped Bible Institute.

Christian Bible school

Pastors Norly and Mary Joy Tuiza began their ministry eight years ago in Pagadian, Philippines with a children’s ministry, then planted a church that is vibrantly alive.

COVID hit the Philippines hard, pushing the poverty rate to over 20%. Pastor Norly and Mary Joy have been distributing food and school supplies to families living in the cemeteries of Pagadian. They have expanded their outreach to other hard hit areas, including San Pablo and Santiago. The feeding program is most definitely a faith commitment as they do not have the funds to feed the additional families, but are trusting God for His provision.

Following the early Church model, deep faith has taken root in the lives of those they are serving, and the first generation of believers are now transmitting their faith to the new believers.  Their education at our Christian Bible school equips them to deeply disciple others.

I hope these ministry reports illustrate the wonderful work God is doing through courageous, selfless brothers and sisters serving in difficult and dangerous places.  There are so many Christian leaders waiting for Your donation is tax-deductible.  Every dollar counts as we seek to equip pastors and Christian leaders serving in difficult circumstances.  Please be as generous as you can. There are hundreds of pastors and Christian leaders who need educational scholarships and educational access.  May our Lord bless you as you bless His servants.


Love Beyond Love – the Christian Community’s Manifesto to Loving Beyond Itself

By Dr. Stephen Isaac
Available on Amazon

The whole Christian idea of loving God, loving others and loving ourselves in present day context is as gray and neutral as it has ever been. In spite of that reality, Christian faith and followers of Christ have been given a very specific manifesto to loving beyond ourselves – to a place where He is first, we are last, and yet with strange certainty we know we are His priority.

Imagine that.

The manifesto of Love Beyond Love is anything but gray or neutral. It is God’s greatest gift and His highest expectation. Love Beyond Love unveils the honest expectations of God for Christian leaders and the Christian community and recalls a timeless and unmovable premise; there is a better way to live and love than how we have been living and loving. For leaders and community to align again with Biblical love, it will involve in many instances starting over. Love Beyond Love offers that restart.

“If my love for God, for myself and others, judges like me, becomes angry like me, possesses pride like me, or attempts to control like me – then it is the kind of love that can never go beyond me.”

What we see and experience is a present-day reality. Fear, anger, sorrow, disappointment, disillusionment, regret, shame, confusion… The list goes on.

What we feel might be real, but that does not make it reality. Circumstances and emotions cannot define biblical truth or right responses. The Grid of Truth process trains Christians to process emotions, thoughts, circumstances, and decisions biblically. Biblical processing moves us forward towards healing, forgiveness, freedom, and joy.

The Grid of Truth equips believers to stand firm with a biblical worldview regardless of how deep the deception in the world we navigate daily.

The Grid of Truth – How to Think Biblically in a Deceptive World is available as an online course through the Fully Equipped Bible Institute. Other courses are available online at our Christian Bible school to equip followers of Jesus with the biblical tools necessary to navigate this fallen world.

The Grid of Truth – How to Think Biblically in a Deceptive World

By Victoria Isaac, M.Ed.
Available on Amazon

Spiritual Leadership – More Than a Skillset

by Victoria Isaac, M.Ed.
Available as a Digital Download

Spiritual leadership is not an occupation – it is a calling.  God is not looking for charismatic, strong, attractive people – He is looking for surrendered servants.

Popularity is not leadership.  A title or corner office does not make a leader.  Spiritual leaders must be godly men and women called of God, equipped to serve, and committed to stewarding God’s Kingdom plans.

Spiritual leaders are filled and directed by the Holy Spirit, steadfast in the face of opposition and unrelenting amid spiritual inertia.  Spiritual leadership is a holy calling with tremendous responsibility.  This book explores Jesus’ model of spiritual leadership and practical ways leaders called by God can effectively steward His plans, people, and resources.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 ESV

Crisis of Belief
The Loss of a Biblical Worldview

What is a biblical worldview, and why is it a crisis that only 37% of U.S. pastors still have one?  A person has a biblical worldview when they embrace the position that God’s Word is inspired by the Holy Spirit and contains unchangeable Truth.  When God’s Word is embraced as His Truth, Christians recognize the moral authority that it has to govern one’s life. Christians with a biblical worldview pattern their thoughts, lives, and perspectives around the Truth contained in Scripture.

Holding a biblical worldview informs one’s lifestyle, behaviors, relationships, morals, and character.  It also impacts one’s personal view of purpose – the call on every Christian’s life to service.

A recent Barna survey of U.S. pastors identified only 37% holding a biblical world view. The research identified categories of biblical worldview and results of the survey by denomination.
The chart illustrates the tremendous loss of biblical integrity in every area of life and faith.  Consider the categories and impact – only 13% of U.S. Catholic priests surveyed held a biblical worldview in regards to the Bible, truth, and morals. Only 27% of Holiness pastors embraced a biblical worldview in regards to sin.  How can this be?  Only 18% of Traditionally Black Protestant church pastors embraced a biblical worldview in regards to family and the value of life.  Each of these categories and percentages identify the alarming loss of biblical truth and righteous behavior.
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christian bible schools

Each month we add new, free Bible study resources to the Fully Equipped Bible Institute website. We recently conducted a survey of thousands of U.S. pastors.  Our survey illustrated that many of our pastors are stressed and exhausted. This month, our resource focuses on a Prayer Action Plan.  You don’t have to be a pastor to be encouraged by this collection of verses compliments of our Christian Bible school.  We pray they help equip you for a focused, effective prayer life!

Christian Bible school


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