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2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17

Spiritual Leadership, Christian leadership

Spiritual Leadership

Spiritual Leadership is an 8-week online Christian leadership course that equips Christian leaders to embrace Jesus’ servant leadership model and dependence on His Heavenly Father.

Practical challenges, including family, conflict, and personal limitations, are discussed honestly with strategies to deepen character, spiritual life, and ministry capacities.

Spiritual leadership is not an occupation – it is a calling. God is not looking for charismatic, strong, attractive people – He looks for obedient servants to use. A title does not make a leader.

George Barna states, “The American church is dying due to a lack of strong leadership. In this time of unprecedented opportunity and plentiful resources, the church is losing influence. The primary reason is lack of leadership. Nothing is more important than leadership.”

Churches have adopted a CEO model for pastors to measure success by. Attendance numbers, revenue, and amenities are considered signs of success. Spiritual leaders follow God regardless of popularity or pressure. A spiritual leader’s responsibility is to move people into a deeper relationship with God, not to fulfill earthly expectations. The Israelites clamored for a strong worldly leader. God gave them one, and the results were disastrous.

Join us for this Christian leadership course to revive your leadership calling and vision, renew your excitement for service, and embrace Jesus’ model for leadership.


  • To equip Christian leaders with the biblical principles of godly leadership.

  • To expose Christian leaders to the practical boundaries that protect ministry integrity.

  • To encourage Christian leaders to protect and nourish their spiritual and physical life and the lives of their families.

  • To equip Christian leaders with the biblical tools and practical steps necessary to make decisions that align with God’s plans and purposes.

Christian Leadership Course Options

Spiritual Leadership is available as a live 8-week online course with classes one night per week on the Zoom platform.  It is also available as a recorded course that students can take on their own schedule.

Student Shout Outs

Meet the Professors

Dr. Stephen Isaac’s mission is described as “cura animurim” (care-taking of the human soul). He desires above all to be faithful to the real message of Jesus, to his family, and to God’s people. Dr. Isaac has spent over four decades in ministry as a pastor, nationally syndicated radio host, and football coach. He is the Senior Pastor of a community church he founded over twenty years ago.

Dr. Stephen Isaac

Senior Pastor and Professor

Victoria is passionate about Christian education and discipleship training. She develops and teaches Bible training courses at the college level and her local church. She spent fifteen years teaching from Genesis through Revelation in a chapter by chapter, verse by verse format. This deep study of Scripture as a foundation for equipping Christian leaders with strong biblical foundations and practical discipleship training tools.

Dr. Victoria Isaac


Pastor Hodgson has been serving in Christian ministry for over three decades. She is called to empower leaders as a professor, coach, international speaker, author, and spiritual mentor. As a passionate follower of Jesus, she has served in impoverished countries around the world alongside her husband, Dr. John Hodgson.

Dr. Dinah Hodgson

Pastor and Professor

Pastor Steve Merryman has been faithfully serving the Church for over two decades. He has served as Executive Pastor, Associate Pastor, Business Administrator, and Christian Education Director. As a Christian educator, Pastor Merryman writes and teaches Christian leadership and discipleship courses.

Steve Merryman, MAOM

Pastor and Professor

Jeff Shook has a rich background in Christian ministry. His administrative gifting is paired with a deep love for God's Word and His people. Jeff makes a difference everywhere he serves, from CEO of a center for addiction recovery, to board member of numerous Christian organizations and churches.

Jeff Shook, MBA


Kris Jensen is a true gem for all students who are fortunate enough to learn from her. She began her Christian service as a missionary, then transitioned to a translator for Wycliffe Bible Translators. Kris now serves as a spiritual director for missionaries and Christian leaders around the world.

Kris Jensen, M.Div.


Dr. Hodgson is a Dartmouth graduate and brilliant cardiologist who has made remarkable contributions to the field of cardiology. More importantly, he is a servant leader, sharing his wisdom and insights on the mission field, in the local church, and on numerous boards of Christian ministries. He is a gifted educator with a passion for serving the Body of Christ.

John Hodgson, MD

Cardiologist and Professor

Pastor Steve Merryman has been faithfully serving the Church for over two decades. He has served as Executive Pastor, Associate Pastor, Business Administrator, and Christian Education Director. As a Christian educator, Pastor Merryman writes and teaches Christian leadership and discipleship courses.

Steve Merryman, MAOM

Pastor and Professor

Download the Spiritual Leadership Course Syllabus

Purchase the course textbook, Spiritual Leadership - More Than a Skillset by Dr. Victoria Isaac as a digital download HERE
